Saturday Sing: August 8, 2020

Today, I’m singing in memory of my voice teacher during my doctoral studies (2011-2013), Dr. Jerry Doan. He passed away on July 28, 2020 and will be sorely missed. But, Jerry’s influence on my singing, and most especially teaching, began significantly before I took voice lessons with him. I first took Jerry’s “Vocal Acoustics” summer voice pedagogy/voice science class in 1995 and I was introduced to the process of beginning to understand the mysteries of the human voice, its function, and its wonders. He could sing pitches higher than I can—with him being a bass-baritone, that was completely astonishing to me.

Elegies is written and composed by William Finn, know for his Tony Award-winning shows Falsettos and 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. This song, Infinite Joy, speaks to me of the infinite joy that Jerry brought to the world through his love of singing and teaching.

Infinite Joy from Elegies by William Finn

Dr. Rachel

Inspirational vocal coach in Northwest Missouri. In private voice lessons, Dr. Rachel helps singers find joy in vocal exploration, so they suspend judgment, follow their intuition, and ultimately communicate with joy in ways previously unknown.

Welcome to the new Daylight Voice Studio website!


Saturday Sing: August 1, 2020