Everything you want to do with your voice is possible.

(even if you’ve been told otherwise)

Maybe you’ve been told not to sing.

Maybe you’ve been told something about your body “isn’t right.”

Maybe you’ve been told something about your brain “isn’t right.”

Truth: There is nothing “wrong” with you OR your voice.

There is nothing to fix. There is no “proper” way to sing or “right” way to make sound. Everything you want to do with your voice is possible.

AND by discovering how to communicate more fully through song, you may find harmony and serenity within yourself. When we embody music, as is only possible when singing, we become wholly human--vulnerable, unique, a little flawed, connected to others.

Inspirational vocal coaching in Northwest Missouri with Dr. Rachel Day in yellow shirt on blue couch.

Welcome to Daylight Voice Studio

Inspirational vocal coaching in Northwest Missouri

where you can find radical acceptance and sing with joy.

Mission statement: We validate and honor the desires, needs, and curiosity of each student while perpetually re-envisioning and shifting teaching methods to be more welcoming and affirming of all singers, all humans, all beings.

Inspirational vocal coaching studio in Northwest Missouri with grand piano and yellow curtains

Dr. Rachel is here to hold space for you and support you on your journey to self-compassion, through the act of guided singing exploration.

Voice lessons are available in-person at the studio in Northwest Missouri and online via high quality audio/video options.

A message from Dr. Rachel:

I believe with my entire heart and soul that singing is a fundamental human right.

I believe in you.

I accept you.

I encourage you.

I listen when you tell me who you are and what your goals are.

Together we discover and identify your ideal vocal sound that represents your authentic self.

You are an amazing human, worthy of respect and honor, love and light.

Inspirational vocal coach Rachel Day's 'love and light' tattoo in Northwest Missouri

My superpower is that I love, value, and fully support the whole human you are, the human you envision yourself to be. We singers are more than just our voice. Vocal sounds are created from within our body, but do not determine our inherent value—you are respected, your inner worth is fully acknowledged, because you are you—a complete being who loves to sing.

I personalize every interaction for you, where you are, in this exact moment. There are always additional paths of vocal sound to explore.

Come with me on the journey.
Sing without limits.

Sing with joy.

Explore your body-mind.

Connect to communicate.

Become more whole.

Your luminous voice awaits at Daylight Voice Studio.