Morning Sing: May 13, 2020

This morning, remaining in the 1920’s from my grandfather’s sheet music collection, comes The Man I Love, by George and Ira Gershwin. If you notice the copyright information below, I show French lyrics (even though I don’t sing them in this video). The 1945 published version that I have has French lyrics. Lyrics in alternate languages were very common for Tin Pan Alley publications in the first half of the 20th century, perhaps as an accommodation to the number of immigrants within the country? But, they’re there and I wanted to call attention to their presence today.

Today, I’m using a karaoke track, rather than trying to sing and play at the same time. I think it works pretty well. I love to play and sing, and I’m taking piano lessons right now to improve my self-taught improvisation skills. When you want to get better, always go to an expert!! You can improve on your own, but guided practice helps to efficiently achieve specific goals. I hope you enjoy!

The Man I Love from "Lady Be Good"

Words by Ira Gershwin

Music by George Gershwin

French version by Emelia Renaud

c) 1924 by HARMS Inc., NY

(c) 1945 by HARMS Inc., NY

Karaoke track by

Dr. Rachel

Inspirational vocal coach in Northwest Missouri. In private voice lessons, Dr. Rachel helps singers find joy in vocal exploration, so they suspend judgment, follow their intuition, and ultimately communicate with joy in ways previously unknown.

Morning Sing: May 14, 2020


Morning Sing: May 12, 2020