Morning Sing: May 18, 2020

This morning we encounter the first piece I ever sang and played in public… Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Jerome Kern.

I don’t remember much more than that I was asked to perform for a community celebration of some sort and I chose this piece because I loved it. No one ever said anything about how inappropriate it was as a celebration piece. I had just purchased a book of music by Jerome Kern and sang and played through it regularly. This piece spoke to me, hiding tears behind socially acceptable phrases, and so I chose to perform it—not realizing that my choice was inappropriate for the occasion (I was 12, I think).

I hope that today, you are able to allow yourself to feel your feelings and to then process them, rather than hiding behind a mask.


Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Music by Jerome Kern

Lyrics by Otto Harbach

© 1933 by T.B. Harms Company (renewed)


Dr. Rachel

Inspirational vocal coach in Northwest Missouri. In private voice lessons, Dr. Rachel helps singers find joy in vocal exploration, so they suspend judgment, follow their intuition, and ultimately communicate with joy in ways previously unknown.

Morning Sing: May 19, 2020


Morning Sing: May 16, 2020